Our innovative cosmetic maintenance plan has been designed to maintain the visual appearance of your vehicle through regular scheduled check-ups.
The plan will provide 4 quarterly maintenance inspections per annum. Each will consist of a visual check on the items listed below to ascertain whether they require any treatment.
• Check bonnet (only for light scratches and stone chips, not dents or other damage)
• Check boot (only for light scratches and stone chips, not dents or other damage)
• Check front bumper
• Check rear bumper
• Check all exterior door panels
• Check all quarter panels
• Check condition of all wing mirror casings
During the inspection, in the event that our maintenance agent identifies a treatment requirement to the bodywork of your vehicle (which falls within a 30cm diameter on a single panel) and can be treated using cosmetic treatment techniques (as defined in the terms and conditions), we will provide:
• Up to 10 treatments per annum for the duration of the agreement.
Treatments/repairs will be provided, if, due to usage, the bodywork has suffered deterioration in the form of minor stone chips or other debris marks, surface scuffs, scrapes, scratches or other minor indentations from the start date up to the expiry date stated in the schedule.
All treatments are guaranteed for the lifetime of your ownership of the vehicle.
A summary of items excluded are listed below:
Your cosmetic maintenance plan is not an insurance policy and is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It is an agreement to provide routine maintenance inspections and repairs.
A full list of exclusions are detailed in the applicable terms and conditions.