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Snows Group are pleased to be able to provide expert Business Sales Specialists to assist with finding the right vehicle solution to suit your individual or company needs.
We take into account variables such as VAT, Corporation Tax and your company cash flow to ensure that you're getting the most out of your budget. Below, we have detailed various finance agreements available, so we advise familiarising yourself with each one. Should one in particular stand out, or if you simply require further information, please feel free to get in touch.
Contract HireHire Purchase allows you to make an initial payment (similar to a deposit) followed by fixed repayments over one to five years. At the end of the contract, you will own the vehicle.Click for more information |
Hire PurchaseHire Purchase allows you to make an initial payment (similar to a deposit) followed by fixed repayments over one to five years. At the end of the contract, you will own the vehicle.Click for more information |
Personal Contract PurchasePersonal Contract Purchase (PCP) is designed to make newer cars more affordable, with generally lower monthly payments and the option to purchase at the end of the contract.Click for more information |
Lease PurchaseLease Purchase is a method of financing a vehicle that is normally used by VAT registered companies or businesses. It works in a similar way to a Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) but does not offer an option to return the vehicle. Following completion of the fixed monthly payments there is an expectation that the customer will purchase the vehicle outright at the end of the contract by paying the estimated balloon payment. |
Finance LeaseFinance Lease offers fixed monthly payments over a set term with no option to purchase. The vehicle will remain the property of the finance company throughout the term of the lease allowing the leaser to benefit from some or all of the sale proceeds at the end of the contract (depending on the contract). You may be able to reclaim up to half or all the VAT applied to this contract depending on the type of vehicle purchased. |
Balloon LeaseBalloon Lease is similar to Finance Lease but allows a balloon payment to be agreed and paid at the end of the contract which helps to keep monthly payments down. At the end of the term the vehicle is sold and your company can benefit from some or all (contract dependant) of the sale proceeds that are above the balloon value. You may be able to reclaim up to half or all the VAT applied to this contract depending on the vehicle purchased. |