This Christmas, Snows Toyota are hoping to make things just that little bit brighter and that's why we are proudly supporting the Give a Gift charity.

Snows Toyota

We are proud to be supporting Give a Gift this Christmas.

Through various methods, we will be showing our support for the charity throughout December. This including:

- Sponsoring the charity single

- Donating £1,800 worth of presents, thanks to the help from Toyota GB, to be taken to Southampton General Hospital on Christmas morning.

- Plus, we have arranged for Santa to take alternative transport this year, in the form of a Toyota Hilux!

Give a Gift - Cheque Handover
(Left to right) Dale Vaughan (General Manager, Snows Toyota Southampton), Paul Brough (Give a Gift), Jodie Brough (Give a Gift) and Carl Jenks (Sales Manager, Snows Toyota Southampton)
Give a Gift Charity

What is Give a Gift?

A volunteered run charity, Give a Gift was established in 2012 and consists of local people, who all share a personal connection with Southampton General Hospital.

Every December, Give a Gift hold an annual family friendly music and festive day, in order to support both the hospital and the charity: Families of Ocean Ward, who are also based at Southampton General Hospital.

Each Christmas morning, volunteers of the charity deliver gifts collected throughout the year to the children on the wards of Southampton General Hospital.

To date, Give a Gift have collected in excess of 2000 gifts and raised over £4000 for charities.

Donate Here

How You Can Get Involved

If you want to help make someone's Christmas this year, here are just a few ways in which you can get involved with Give a Gift:

✔ Charity Single - Friday 26th November

This Christmas Eve, written by The Good Lies and performed by the Give a Gift Collective.

Make sure you download this year's charity single

✔ Music & Festive Nights

This year, Give a Gift are holding two festive nights and only ask for an unwrapped gift in exchange for an entry fee. All gifts received on these nights will be included in Santa's sack on Christmas morning to be delivered to the hospital.

Night 1 - Saturday 4th December - Strawberry Field Tavern, Locks Heath

Night 2 - Saturday 11th December - The Hook, Warsash

Check our the lyric video to our charity single, This Christmas Eve, below:

​For more information on the charity or to donate, please click the below links: